Cailabs releases a new beam shaping module for green ultrashort pulse lasers

Cailabs has announced a new version of its CANUNDA-PULSE module. Previously available in the near infrared, the company supplements its ultrashort pulse laser beam shaping offer with two new wavelengths: 515 nm and 532 nm.

This module will enable high quality beam shaping for new materials and applications in micro-processing.


Keeping the benefits of the infrared version: high-quality beam shaping for green wavelengths

With this new version of CANUNDA-PULSE, Cailabs extends its offer on ultrashort pulse (USP) beam shaping, with two shapes available: round and square top-hat, in the green wavelengths. Indeed, the performances of green lasers have not stop improving in recent years, with higher power and energy at a better efficiency, enabling industrial micro-processing applications.

“In the past years, demand for beam shapers for green USP lasers has been growing, especially in Asia. This is the reason why we have extended our standard offer with this new beam shaping module available off-the-shelf.” explains Gwenn Pallier, Product Line Manager at Cailabs.

This new product benefits from the previous assets of the 1µm version: high shape quality with great sharpness and plateau uniformity combined to depth of field near to theoretical limits.


Enabling stable and robust beam shaping at high power and energy

In addition to the high-quality beam shaping, Cailabs’ patented technology, Multi-Plane Light Conversion (MPLC) allows a unique feature: the mode cleaning. Already implemented on the 1µm modules, the mode cleaning feature, that stabilizes and compensates the USP laser output beam fluctuations, is also put into practice in the green modules.

In addition to top-hat beam shaping, CANUNDA-PULSE Green is also available with perfect gaussian output thanks to this feature. Moreover, the reflective implementation of the MPLC enables the handling of high power and energy. Indeed, the green module has been designed to stand for equivalent energy of the same lasers than the near infrared one, that have been frequency-doubled.


New wavelengths to address new markets

The new wavelengths offer provided by Cailabs will enable high quality beam shaping for new materials and applications in micro-processing.

“When a laser is frequency doubled, it loses wall plug efficiency, so the real gain on the material has to be significant to compensate that, and beam shaping can help to optimise this energy deposition,” continues Gwenn Pallier.

Green wavelengths are already recognized to be more efficient for processes involving aluminium, nitinol or gold for example and for some semiconductor packaging applications. This product release is also a response to the growing offer in green ultrashort pulse lasers, that need a robust and high-quality beam shaping solution.

Contact: Cecile Barbier