The Laser User Magazine – AILU’s members-only magazine
News, technical articles, trends & information in the laser industry.
About ‘The Laser User’
We know how important it is to keep up with current news within the laser industry. Subscribe to AILU’s ‘The Laser User’ to ensure you stay in touch with current industry trends. Described as “…the best source of practical laser user information available anywhere”, the magazine highlights innovations in the field of industrial laser technology and is circulated to AILU members only.
A Quality Publication
All material in ‘The Laser User’ is peer-reviewed and edited to remove jargon and exaggeration. As a result, readers have highly praised the magazine for the quality and clarity of its content. Packed with useful information for both the novice and experienced user, it includes extensive expert comments to help broaden the scope and provide a balanced view of the material. Learn about emerging technologies. Discover new laser products and laser services as they emerge. Never miss an important event or industry news.
‘The Laser User’ is produced quarterly in hard copy & digitally for members and is generally regarded as one of the key benefits of membership. Multi-user subscriptions are also available for corporates.
Advertise in The Laser User
Members can advertise at 20% reduced cost. For full details on our advertising rates for members and non-members see our Marketing Guide to advertising.